Chrome Bumper Films is your one stop partner to produce Branded Content for your company, agency, or social channels.
BRAND VIDEOS, PROMOTIONAL VIDEOS, RECRUITMENT VIDEOS. – We will work with you on-demand, worldwide, giving you the highest quality production and post. Elevate your marketing strategy and grow your business. Video is brand awareness and it help generate sales. We will walk through your concerns, and work with you from beginning to final product, and craft a custom video for you. All productions are budgeted towards affordability, and we keep the quality and integrity high. With our proven track record you will get noticed with our 30+ years of video production and post experience. Work one on one with our in-house team, and get all the necessary information into your video.
Connect with us via telephone: 248-390-0674 or by email Available to discuss your project and get an insight on how we can help. We can’t wait to work with you.